Whatsapp creator
Whatsapp creator

whatsapp creator

The app currently has more than 700 million active users and it is reportedly recording steady growth with around two million users per day. Telegram doesn't need additional promotion." He stated that Telegram follows the privacy-first approach to its instant messaging app. But till then he advised people to stay away from the app to save their smartphones from being hacked.ĭurov explained the security and privacy features provided by Telegram and said, “I'm not pushing people to switch to Telegram here.

whatsapp creator

It’s used by over 2B people in more than 180 countries. Earlier, Durov mentioned that WhatsApp would never be secure unless the company makes some fundamental changes to it. WhatsApp from Meta is a 100 free messaging app. To recall, this is not the first time that the Telegram founder has taken a shot at WhatsApp for being prone to security issues. It doesn't matter if you are the richest person on Earth - if you have WhatsApp installed on your phone, all your data from every app on your device is accessible," said Durov. You can choose shape and color, add gradient and logo. QR Codes for businesses Generate and print QR codes with your company logo. Choose any resolution for your QR code and save it as SVG or PDF vector format. "Every year we learn about some issue in WhatsApp that puts everything on their users' devices at risk. Create your own QR code and save it in high resolution for large format printing.

Whatsapp creator